Sunday 9 July 2017

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Situs Amerika Utara. Europe Site. Monitor Arrays. Falcon Bundles. Monitors Accessories. Falcon Trading. Trading Software. Terms of Sale. Privacy Policy. Gunakan dari Situs ini. USA Canada Bebas Pulsa. Sales 800 435-1094.Office 888 300- 7379.Support 888 500-6786.UK Direct Dial. Sales 0 20 3384 3545.Support 0 20 3807 5194. Berlangsung dari luar USA. Sales 1-307-201-2204.Support 1-720-438-4604.Sales Hours. MF 9 30 am - 30:00 Eastern. MF 8 30 am-5 30pm Central. MF 6 30 am-3 30pm Pacific. Office Support Hours. MF 9 45 am - 30pm Eastern. MF 8 45 am-5 30pm Central. MF 6 45 am-3 30pm Pacific. by Falcon Trading Systems. Lihat halaman Falcon Trading kami untuk penawaran dan info dari para pedagang veteran kami. Produsen Kertas Perdagangan Dunia Monitor Arrays. Diskon 75 Hari Diskon pada Komputer Desktop Falcon F-37GT di samping diskon lainnya. Aktifkan Javascript di browser Anda untuk mengalami presentasi penuh. Falcon Trading Computers digunakan oleh trader berprestasi seperti Dan Zanger. Sebagai profesional penuh waktu dengan bisnis investasi selama lebih dari 30 tahun, saya tahu pentingnya memiliki alat yang tepat. Komputer mini menyediakan jenis kekuatan BRUTE yang luar biasa yang diperlukan untuk mempertahankan posisi kami sebagai perusahaan desain sistem peringkat teratas. Perbedaan antara komputer dan tipikal model toko diskon ini seperti perbedaan antara YUGO dan CORVETTE Falcon adalah komputer trading terbaik. Krutsinger, CTA Professional Trader, Pembuat speaker di trading. Trading Computers - Persyaratan Kinerja. Jika Anda meningkatkan Kecepatan komputer pada tahun 20 maka kinerja komputer itu akan meningkat sebesar 20 Kami melakukannya dengan baik. Komputer komputer memerlukan Intel untuk menilai prosesor mereka lebih lambat daripada yang bisa mereka pakai dengan selamat. Motherboard kami memiliki 12-16 volt regulator vs 2-3 yang khas. Dari komputer murah Lebih banyak regulator tegangan berarti pengiriman voltase lebih halus dan stabilitas yang jauh lebih baik Motherboard kami juga lebih tepat dalam mengatur tegangan yang benar. Dengan sm Kekuatan oother dan kontrol voltase yang lebih tepat, komputer kita bisa berjalan lebih cepat. Ada praktik buruk di industri komputer Intel telah mengeluarkan peringatan tentang praktik buruk ini. Kami berhati-hati untuk memberikan komputer tercepat untuk Anda yang berada dalam parameter operasi yang aman dari CPU Kami telah melakukan ini selama lebih dari 8 tahun dan kami adalah mitra Intel Gold. Untuk komputer trading terbaik, pergilah bersama Falcon Trading Computers. Falcon Trading Computers - Company News. November 2014 Trader terkenal John Carter memesan F - Komputer perdagangan 52X. November 2014 PropTrading Canada Golden Market Management menempatkan pesanan komputer multi-order kelima. November 2014 Epcylon Technologies inc Kanada menempatkan pesanan komputer multi-second. October 2014 Penjualan Oktober tertinggi yang tercatat untuk Falcon Trading Systems. September 2014 Latam Securities LLC Baru York menempatkan pesanan multi-komputer pertama. 2014 The Elberon Investment Fund Austin TX menempatkan pesanan multi-komputer pertama. 2014 Inergix memesan 14 trad Ing komputer untuk pedagang mereka. April 2014 Falcon Trading Systems mencatat 11 kenaikan penjualan untuk pertama 4 bulan 2014. Tahun Akademik Sekolah Bisnis Bethune-Cookman 2014 termasuk bursa saham menempatkan pesanan besar kedua untuk komputer trading dan slot monitor. Tempat Jitneytrade Kanada yang akhir 2013 Pesanan ke-4 untuk Komputer Falcon Trading. Juli 2013 Pierpont Securities menempatkan pesanan multi-unit ke-6 untuk Komputer Falcon Trading. Juli 2013 MET Zurich LLP memesan pesanan ke-4 untuk Komputer Perdagangan Falcon. Mei 2013 Danske Commodities of Denmark menempatkan ke-4 mengikuti multi unit. Pesanan dengan Falcon. April 2013 menempatkan pesanan ke-4 dari Komputer Perdagangan Falcon. Januari 2013 Grup PropTrading SEZC Cayman Islands memilih komputer perdagangan Falcon untuk pedagang mereka. Januari 2013 Universitas Bethune-Cookman memilih komputer perdagangan Falcon untuk School of Business termasuk perdagangan saham. 2013 Lindsay Capital Corp Kepulauan Cayman memilih komputer perdagangan Falcon untuk pedagang mereka. Janu 2001 Investor Independen Institute Toronto, Kanada memilih komputer perdagangan Falcon. Januari 2013 Mandara Energy Ltd London menempatkan pesanan ke-4 untuk komputer perdagangan Falcon. Desember 2012 Crescent Capital Ventures LLC New York memesan dengan Falcon. Kami adalah pengembang TradeStation terdaftar Dapatkan Percobaan gratis MetaStock hari ini Pelajari Lebih Lanjut Kami adalah mitra teknologi resmi untuk NinjaTrader. Semua komputer perdagangan kami dibangun dan didukung oleh staf kami Kami bangga dengan pekerjaan dan tidak melakukan outsourcing apa pun. Panduan Perdagangan Lengkap dari Falcon. Pelajari Cara Melakukan Perdagangan Panduan Membantu trader awal untuk memahami pilihannya dan jalur yang berbeda dalam dunia trading Memilih jalur yang tepat untuk Anda sangat penting Banyak trader pemula bisa melakukannya dengan lebih baik jika mereka memiliki pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang semua pilihan mereka. Saham atau Forex atau Options Atau Futures pilihan terbaik Anda Metodologi apa yang harus Anda pertimbangkan Jangka waktu yang harus Anda trade. Panduan ini merangkum apa itu Dibutuhkan untuk menjadi pedagang mandiri tanpa pekerjaan sehari-hari atau trader serius yang masih ingin mempertahankan pekerjaannya Apa yang harus Anda harapkan untuk pengembalian Apa broker yang harus Anda gunakan Perangkat lunak apa yang harus Anda gunakan Manajemen Resiko adalah di mana kebanyakan trader baru gagal melakukan trading terlalu banyak risiko. Pada setiap perdagangan Kami akan memandu Anda dalam pengelolaan risiko yang tepat Bagaimana dengan perdagangan otomatis Peralatan apa yang harus Anda miliki A harus dibaca untuk sebagian besar pedagang pemula dan menengah. Bagaimana menjadi seorang Trader Saham. Panduan ini mengambil panduan Bagaimana Menjadi Pedagang dan berfokus pada Hanya perdagangan saham Perdagangan saham memiliki fitur unik bila dibandingkan dengan jenis lainnya, seperti Forex atau Futures. Di Falcon kami menjual komputer ke banyak trader veteran. Dalam panduan ini kami mencoba untuk fokus pada beberapa prinsip utama dari apa yang telah kami pelajari dalam trading. Dan pada apa yang para pedagang veteran kami telah memberi tahu kami bahwa mereka telah belajar. Panduan terakhir untuk membeli komputer perdagangan dan membuat karya teknologi untuk Anda Apa yang Anda butuhkan dalam penyiapan komputer dengan beberapa monitor. 2004-2017 Semua hak dilindungi undang-undang. Velocity Perdagangan Selandia Baru. Premiere layanan perdagangan global untuk Selandia Baru. Superior Harga dan Liquidity. Our DMA sistem perdagangan memungkinkan Anda untuk melakukan perdagangan pada kecepatan yang optimal dengan likuiditas atas di dunia ini menyediakan akses ke harga grosir , Likuiditas yang dalam dan penyebaran yang kompetitif. Dengan beroperasi di Toronto, Montreal, London, Sydney, Auckland dan Cape Town, kami menyediakan solusi perdagangan untuk institusi dan perusahaan di seluruh dunia. Customer Service Client. We menarik kepuasan pelanggan di bagian atas daftar kami untuk Semua orang yang kita tangani, dari pedagang institusional dan manajer hedge fund hingga ke broker-dealer dan mitra label putih. Dengan pengalaman perdagangan di pasar selama bertahun-tahun, kami memberikan dukungan teknis dan perdagangan selama proses perdagangan dan penyelesaian. Velocity Trade New Zealand. Premiere global trading Layanan untuk Selandia Baru. Superior Harga dan Liquidity. 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Berikut adalah daftar terbaru dari broker luar negeri Diperiksa sejauh ini di thread ini, dan hasil penyelidikan kami mengenai apakah pialang ini akan membuka rekening baru untuk penduduk AS, mengingat peraturan peraturan yang berlaku saat ini yang diberlakukan oleh CFTC mengenai forex ritel AS. KINERJA OFFSHORE BROKER. Broker forex broker berdomisili di Sebuah yurisdiksi di luar AS tidak tunduk pada peraturan CFTC AS dan atau NFA. Brokers Siapa yang Akan Terus Menerima Klien Baru AS. Informasi mengenai platform, setoran awal, leverage, dan spread diperoleh dari Situs broker Dalam beberapa kasus, informasi ini tidak mudah ditemukan Jika Anda dapat mengisi salah satu informasi yang hilang di bawah ini, silakan lakukan. Beberapa broker menawarkan lebih dari satu jenis ukuran akun forex mikro, mini, dll. Di setiap daftar Di bawah ini, akun yang direferensikan adalah akun yang memerlukan setoran awal terkecil. Tidak praktis untuk menunjukkan spread untuk semua pasangan mata uang, untuk masing-masing broker. Sebaliknya, dua spread --- untuk EUR USD dan GBP JPY --- ditampilkan untuk Setiap broker, sebagai representasi kasar dari menu spread mereka. Email dan info kontak telepon disertakan untuk setiap broker di Grup 1 bagi mereka yang ingin melakukan kontak awal mereka tanpa mengunjungi situs broker. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai opsi ini, lihat POST INI. Pialang lepas pantai di Grup 1 telah dibahas dan diulas di berbagai pos di sepanjang thread ini. Untuk LINK ke posting terakhir yang akan kembali 3 tahun yang berkaitan dengan pialang Grup 1, lihat Post 7. Dua broker di Grup 1 ditunjuk sebagai Trusted Broke Dalam setiap kasus, penunjukan Broker Terpercaya ditentukan oleh konsensus para peserta thread --- terutama peserta yang menukar rekening live dengan broker yang diperiksa Kedua pialang terpercaya kami dinilai sebagai teladan berdasarkan kriteria ini 1 kejujuran dan transparansi dalam Mengiklankan layanan mereka, dan dalam menangani dana dan melaksanakan perdagangan klien mereka dan 2 mematuhi undang-undang dan peraturan negara tempat mereka berdomisili Untuk beberapa latar belakang mengenai pemilihan Pialang Terpercaya kami, lihat POST INI. 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Type ECN STP broker - Regulator tidak diatur Incorporated di Perancis, dimiliki oleh Finocorp Belize Latihan due diligence ekstra Platform MT4, Real Stream FX - setoran awal Min 500 USD - Leverage maks 200 1 Min posisi ukuran mini-lot 0 1 std lot Spreads EUR USD, GBP JPY - Spread tidak terungkap di situs mereka, Anda harus mendaftar untuk mempelajari spread mereka. PaxForex St Vincent dan Grenadines. Type market-maker dealing-desk broker - Regulator tidak diatur Platform MT4, MT4 mobile - deposit awal Min 10 USD mini acct, 2000 USD std acct - Max leverage 500 1 Min posisi ukuran mikro - Lot 0 01 std lot mini account, mini-lot 0 1 std lot std account Spreads EUR USD 1 3 - 5 pips, GBP JPY 4 7 - 6 pips. TradeWiseFX St Vincent dan Grenadines. Type ECN STP NDD - Regulator Otoritas Jasa Keuangan FSA of SVG Produk lain logam, minyak dan gas --- Platform MT4 Min deposit awal 25 EUR atau USD STP atau ECN Pro, 1000 EUR atau USD MyFxBook Autotrade Max leverage 500 1 STP atau ECN Pro, 200 1 MyFxBook Autotrade Min posisi ukuran micro-lot 0 01 std lot Spreads EUR USD 1 3 pips avg STP Classic, GBP JPY 1 9 pips avg STP Classic. EUR USD 0 5 pip avg 4 comm Putaran putaran ECN Pro, GBP JPY 1 4 pip avg 4 putaran putaran putaran ECN Pro. Adamant Finance St Vincent dan the Grenadines. Type STP Classic account ECN MarketPro dan MarketPrime accounts - Regulator tidak diatur Broker ini nampaknya milik Rusia, berdomisili di SVG, lokasi fisik tidak terungkap Platform MT4 - Setoran awal 1 USD EUR Classic Akun Max leverage 500 1 Akun klasik - Posisi min size micro-lot 0 01 std lot Spreads EUR USD, GBP JPY, spread dikutip dari 2 pips, tidak ada akun Classic Classic. Real Trade British Virgin Islands. Type market-maker dealing-desk broker - Regulator tidak diatur Platform Real Trader 4 MT4, MT4 mobile - setoran awal 20 20 USD Bunga bulanan dibayarkan dengan margin bebas Max leverage 500 1 - Posisi Min ukuran mikro - lot 0 01 std lot Spreads EUR USD 1 pip, GBP JPY 5 pips. LQDFX Kepulauan Marshall. Type STP Micro, Gold, dan akun Islam ECN VIP dan ECN accounts - Regulator tidak diatur Platform MT4, xStation - deposit awal Min 20 USD Akun mikro dan Islam Max leverage 500 1 - Posisi Min ukuran mikro - Lot 0 01 std lot untuk akun Micro, Gold, ECN, dan Islamic Spread EUR USD, GBP JPY, spread dikutip dari 1 pip, tidak ada komisi komisi akun mikro 3 50 USD per std lot round turn organization ECN, 2 50 USD Per std lot round-turn VIP account. Pasar Modal Vanuatu. Type STP mikro acct ECN standar acct - Regulator Vanuatu Financial Services Commission VFSC Produk lain CFD s, komoditas, logam Broker ini mengakuisisi akun pelanggan AS dan Kanada dari Tallinex SVG, March 2017 Platform MT4 dan MT4 mobile - Min deposit awal 100 USD atau EUR micro acct, 2000 USD atau EUR standard acct Max leverage 1000 1 micro acct, 500 1 standar akct Min posisi ukuran 0 01 std lot micro acct, 0 10 std lot standard acct Spreads Variabel dari 1 8 pip mikro Acct, dari 0 0 pips standar acct - EUR USD 1 pip, GBP JPY 2 6 pips standard acct Commissions Tidak ada komisi komisi mikro, komisaris 6 USD atau EUR putaran putaran, per std lot standard acct. Untuk Grup 2 lihat posting 2.Last diedit oleh Clint Today at 01 07. Daftar Alfabet Daftar Semua Pialang Dibahas di Thread. and ini di thread BP lainnya, dan di beberapa situs lain. Daftar di bawah ini terdiri dari broker dalam 7 kategori, gabungan Ke dalam satu daftar alfabet tunggal Ke 7 kategori tersebut. Vetted broker lepas pantai yang akan melakukan bisnis dengan klien U S Pialang ini berada di Grup 1 dari Daftar Pialang Offshore kami. Vetted broker lepas pantai yang tidak akan melakukan bisnis dengan klien U S Broker ini ada di Grup 2 dari List kami. Pialang lepas pantai yang telah gulung tikar Pialang ini tidak lagi terdaftar di Grup 1 atau Grup 2. Pialang AS yang disebutkan dalam thread ini Broker ini bukan broker luar negeri, dan tidak termasuk dalam Grup 1 atau Grup 2. Pialang AS yang Telah gulung tikar. Pialang atau broker luar negeri yang memperkenalkan pialang IB, divisi, anak perusahaan, atau perusahaan induk dari broker terdaftar lainnya. Pialang AS atau luar negeri yang masih dalam bisnis, yang telah diidentifikasi dengan jelas sebagai penipuan. Broker yang saat ini berada di Grup 1 dari Daftar Pialang Lepas Pantai disorot dengan warna biru. Pialang lain dalam daftar ini ditunjukkan dengan label atau catatan untuk menunjukkan kategori mereka. Brokers Tidak diberi label atau dicatat saat ini ada di Grup 2 dari Daftar Pialang Lepas Pantai.1BillionForex Belize --- IB untuk NordFX Mauritius --- tidak ada klien AS.1LotStp Nevis --- dan perusahaan induk FX Systems --- keluar dari bisnis.1PipFix Nevis --- dan perusahaan induk FX Systems --- keluar dari bisnis.2PipsFixed Nevis --- dan perusahaan induk FX Systems --- keluar dari bisnis.2pipsForex - Global Clearing Group Ltd Dominica.4RunnerForex British Virgin Islands --- dan orang tua Perusahaan FX Systems --- keluar dari bisnis.4UFX domisili --- keluar dari bisnis.4xBank domisili --- keluar dari bisnis.4xP British Virgin Islands --- lihat Forex Place.8Safe UK Ltd UK --- perdagangan bermerek Nama Iron FX UK --- broker yang diatur oleh FCA. Seychelles Forex Seychelles. ACFX Cypru S --- dimiliki oleh Atlas Capital Financial Services Ltd Siprus --- ditangguhkan oleh CySEC, April 2016.ACM - Pasar Mata Uang Lanjutan SA Swiss --- lihat Swissquote Switzerland. ACM Gold Mauritius. ACM Perdagangan Emas dan Forex PTY Ltd Afrika Selatan - - lisensi perdagangan dipulihkan Oktober 2015 oleh S Afrika FSB. ACM Group plc UK --- alias Alpha Capital Markets plc UK --- FX, CFD dan spread betting --- tidak ada klien AS. Activ Trades UK. Adamant St Vincent dan The Grenadines --- broker Grup 1 yang baru. Pasar Admiral Estonia --- broker menasihati klien untuk mentransfer akun ke Admiral Markets UK. Admiral Markets UK Ltd UK. ADS Securities, LLC UAE. Advanced Markets - AMIFX UK. ADVinvests UK - - scam --- FCA telah mengidentifikasi perusahaan ini sebagai broker palsu kloning. AETOS Capital Group UK Ltd Inggris --- Anak perusahaan yang diatur FCA dari AETOS Australia. AETOS Capital Group Pty Ltd Australia --- yang diatur di Australia, terutama menargetkan orang China Market. AFX Capital Cyprus --- lihat Grup AFX Group. AFX Cyprus --- nama baru AFX Modal setelah re-branding pada bulan Mei 2016.AGEA Jinrong Doo Montenegro --- dahulu Marketiva Montenegro. AGM Markets Pty Ltd Australia --- lisensi ditangguhkan oleh AISC. Alfa-Forex - Alfa Capital Holdings Cyprus Ltd Rusia, berdomisili di Siprus --- Tidak ada klien AS. Alpari Jepang KK Jepang --- diakuisisi oleh Dukascopy Switzerland, dan berganti nama menjadi Dukascopy Japan K K. Alpari RU Russia. Alpari UK --- dalam likuidasi --- buku klien telah terjual ke ETX Capital UK. Alpari AS - - institusional forex saja. Alpha Capital Markets plc UK --- lihat ACM Group plc UK. AlphaTrade - Nemesis Capital Ltd SVG --- kantor pusat Sofia, Bulgaria --- daftar hitam oleh BCSC --- surat izin Inggris ditangguhkan. AlphaTrade UK Ltd Inggris --- UK lisensi dilaporkan ditangguhkan --- keluar dari bisnis. AlphaTrade Solutions SVG Ltd Kepulauan Cayman --- subs AlphaTrade UK Ltd UK --- keluar dari business. Alpha Trading CM India --- situs web saat ini diturunkan - - jangan bingung dengan AlphaTrade UK Ltd. AL Trade Inc Kepulauan Virgin Britania Raya. Alvexo Cyprus --- situs web menyiratkan tapi Tidak menyatakan bahwa klien AS diterima. Amana Financial Services UK --- anak perusahaan SouqElmal UAE --- tidak ada klien AS. Pasar Rusia - AFMarkets Ltd --- sebelumnya AForex Russia. AnnexFX Estonia --- anak perusahaan AssetsFX Finland. Apex One Trading Group Panama --- muncul di Ontario Securities Commission OSC Warning List. Arena Capital New Zealand --- penipuan fiktif FX broker trading sebagai BlackfortFX --- dalam likuidasi. Arab Financial Brokers - AFB Kuwait --- keluar dari bisnis. AssetsFX Finland --- tidak lagi menerima klien AS. ATC Brokers AS --- memperkenalkan broker berjangka dan forex --- saat ini di Bab 11 kebangkrutan. ATG Marketplex - alias Aaron Trading US --- keluar dari bisnis. Atlantic FX Bulgaria. Atom8 - Layanan Keuangan Atom8 LLP UK --- London ECN broker, FCA-diatur --- tidak ada klien AS. ATS Markets - ATS Markets Global Ltd Belize --- scam --- sertifikat ATS penggabungan adalah pemalsuan IFSC - Belize. Ava Pasar Modal Australia Pty Ltd Australia --- subs dari Ava Perdagangan EU L Td Ireland. Ava FX Kepulauan Virgin Britania Raya --- kapal selam Ava Trade EU Ltd Ireland. Ava Trade EU Ltd Irlandia --- rencana akuisisi oleh perusahaan game Israel Playtech nixed oleh pemegang saham Ava. Ava Perdagangan Jepang KK Jepang --- subs Ava Perdagangan EU Ltd Ireland. Axi Pedagang Australia. Axi Pedagang USA AS --- keluar dari pasar business. ayondo Ltd Inggris --- perdagangan sosial, spread-betting, perdagangan CFD --- tidak ada klien AS. Back Bay FX US --- IB untuk berbagai broker. BCFX Siprus --- nama dagang Best Choice FBC Ltd Siprus --- ditangguhkan oleh CySEC. BDG Financial Services Ltd Belize alias The Collective FX Global --- keluar dari bisnis. BDSwiss - BDSwiss Holding Plc Cyprus - - FX, CFD dan pilihan biner dealer. Beam FX US --- IB untuk Likuiditas Institusional - ILQ Australia. Berndale Capital Australia --- tidak ada klien AS. Pilihan Terbaik FBC Ltd Cyprus --- lihat BCFX Cyprus. BForex British Virgin Islands. BlackfortFX Selandia Baru --- scam --- lihat Arena Capital New Zealand. BlackPearlFX UK --- tidak ada klien AS. Investasi Global yang Buruk Ltd Siprus --- tidak ada klien AS. Blueberry Markets Australia. Boston Perdana Ltd Inggris --- bangkrut --- keluar dari bisnis. Broco Forex Russia. Capital City Markets Vanuatu --- broker Grup 1 yang baru --- mengakuisisi AS Kanada Akun Tallinex SVG Maret 2017.Capital Index Cyprus Ltd Siprus --- CySec-regulated broker. Capital Index UK Ltd UK --- broker yang diatur oleh FSA. Capital One Forex tidak diketahui lokasi --- scam. Capital Trust Markets - CTM New Zealand Srilangka --- scam --- website disabled. CFD Pasar Modal Maroko --- muncul di Ontario Securities Commission OSC Warning List. CharterPrime Ltd Selandia Baru --- FX, komoditas, logam, indeks CFD s --- tidak ada klien AS. CIM Banque Switzerland. City Credit Capital UK. City Index UK --- orang tua dari 3 broker Australia yang diakuisisi oleh Gain Capital US. City Index Pty Ltd Australia --- anak perusahaan dari City Index UK Gain Capital US. Citypoint Trading UK. Click365 Japan --- bursa forex trading pertama di dunia, bagian dari Tokyo Financial Exchange Inc TFX. CLM - Kor E Pasar Likuiditas Australia. CMC Markets Canada Inc Kanada --- menerima warga negara Kanada dan penduduk tetap saja. CMC Markets UK plc UK --- spread-betting dan CFD --- tidak ada klien AS. CMS Forex - Layanan Pasar Modal UK Ltd Inggris --- dimiliki oleh Perdana Mantle Corp Plc Ireland. CMS Perdagangan Inggris --- dimiliki oleh Safe Side Consulting Ltd Inggris --- jangan bingung dengan CMS Forex. CMTrading - Global Capital Markets Trading South AfricamexFX Siprus --- scam. Concorde Forex Ukraina --- scam. CWM FX UK --- subs penyedia likuiditas Leverate Siprus --- Kota London tuduhan penipuan tertunda --- SCAM. Darwinex Inggris --- sebelumnya TradeSlide Inggris --- hibrida sosial perdagangan salinan program perdagangan. Direct FX New Zealand --- jangan bingung dengan Direct FX Trading Pty Ltd Australia. Direct FX Trading Pty Ltd Australia. Efek Jepang --- forex CFD broker --- orang tua dari DMM FX Australia --- tidak ada klien AS. DMM FX Australia --- akan berhenti beroperasi pada tanggal 30 Juli 2016.Dukascopy Jepang KK Jepang --- nama baru Alpari Jepang KK diakuisisi oleh Dukascopy Switzerland. EasyForex Cyprus --- berganti nama menjadi easyMarkets. easyMarkets Cyprus --- nama baru EasyForex Cyprus per Desember 2015.EES FX US --- IB untuk Pepperstone Australia. E-Global British Virgin Islands. England Foreign Exchange - EFX Panama --- keluar dari bisnis. EQL-X UK --- nama dagang ACM Group Plc --- tidak ada klien AS. EQL-X, LLC AS --- memperkenalkan broker untuk EQL-X UK. EQMarkets SVG - - dioperasikan oleh perusahaan Rusia Infinity Trade Ltd SVG. EQTrades - Pialang Ekuitas Global Belize Ltd Belize --- Pialang milik Rusia --- berafiliasi dengan EQMarkets. eToroUSA US --- IB untuk eToro Cyprus --- belum beroperasi. ETX Modal UK --- ETX telah mengakuisisi buku klien Alpari UK. Exante yang bangkrut Malta --- broker multi-aset --- deposit 10000 min. Excel Markets Ltd Selandia Baru --- lihat Pialang Global NZ Ltd Selandia Baru --- keluar dari business. Exness Ltd Cyprus. Explore Markets Ltd SVG UK --- alias EM Financial Services Ltd --- di bawah peringatan FCA untuk salah mengklaim peraturan Inggris. Exto Capital Switzerland --- keluar dari Business. EZTD Cyprus --- nama baru Siprus EZTrader --- baru-baru ini berlisensi untuk beroperasi di Jepang --- tidak ada klien AS atau Kanada. EZTrader Cyprus --- broker Siprus dan CFD Siprus yang didenda, baru-baru ini mengganti namanya menjadi EZTD --- no Klien AS atau Kanada. Falco FX Cyprus --- keluar dari bisnis. Falcon Brokers Ltd Siprus --- saat ini ditangguhkan oleh CySec karena penyimpangan dana terpisah. Pialang cepat kami - IB untuk berbagai broker. FastQuote Securities Belize --- broker institusional. FIBO Group Holdings Ltd Cyprus. FIG FX Seychelles --- keluar dari bisnis. FinFX Finlandia --- diakuisisi oleh BCFX Ltd Siprus efektif 6 1 15 --- tidak lagi beroperasi sebagai broker forex ritel. First Rate FX UK --- Tidak ada klien AS. Forex4Anda - Grup Perdagangan dan Keuangan E-Global, Inc Kepulauan Virgin Inggris. Forex Broker Inc Kepulauan Marshall --- tidak lagi beroperasi sebagai broker forex ritel. ForexCENT Czech Republic. Forex Club LLC Russia. Forex Club Ltd British Virgin Islands. --- divisi ritel Gain Capital Holdings Inc US --- mengakuisisi klien buku FXCM US Feb 2017.ForexCT Ltd - Forex Capital Trading Ltd Vanuatu. ForexCT Pty Ltd Australia --- divisi dari ForexCT Ltd Vanuatu. Forex FS Australia. Forex Pasar Ltd - Panama --- scam. ForexMart Siprus --- nama dagang Tradomart Ltd Siprus --- tidak ada klien AS. Forex-Metal Panama --- baru saja dihapus dari Grup 1.Forex Nation Australia. Forex Optimum - Forex Optimum Group Limited Perusahaan Rusia, terdaftar di St Vincent dan Grenadines. Forex Place - 4xP British Virgin Islands. Forex TG Pty Australia --- alias FXTG --- saat ini sedang dalam penyelidikan penipuan oleh regulator Australia ASIC. Forex Trend Ukraine Selandia Baru --- scam --- bangkrut. Forex Ukraina Ukraina --- IB untuk Forex Ltd UK. Forex Web Trader Siprus. Forex Yard Cyprus. Fort Financial Services Belize --- est 2010 --- tidak ada klien AS. Fortress Prime Dubai --- prime Brokerage, saat ini ditutup oleh induk Fortress Capital Investments. FP Markets Aus Tralia - First Prudential Markets Australia --- CFD dan broker FX. FreshForex St Vincent dan Grenadines --- milik Rusia --- tidak ada klien U S. Fullerton Markets New Zealand --- tidak ada klien U S. Daftar alfabetis - berlanjut di pos 4.FXCBS British Virgin Islands. FXCH - Foreign Exchange Clearing House Dominika - alias Dominica. FX Choice Belize. FXCL Markets Ltd Ireland. FXCM - Pasar Modal Forex AS --- dilarang dari AS oleh CFTC, Feb 2017 --- buku klien dijual ke Gain Capital US. FX Company Mauritius --- keluar dari bisnis yang diberi merek --- lihat FXVan UK. FXDD Global Malta --- tidak ada klien AS yang menerima klien Kanada. FX Dealer Direct - FXDD AS --- sekarang dibatasi oleh NFA untuk bertindak sebagai IB saja. FXGL - FXGL Capital Group Ltd lokasi yang tidak diketahui --- scam. FXGlory Dubai, UAE. FXM Broker Group Costa Rica --- keluar dari bisnis. FXM Financial Services GmbH Germany. FxNet Ltd Cyprus. FxOnUs Malta --- dimiliki oleh MarketsOnUs Ltd Kepulauan Marshall --- lihat peringatan MFSA Malta. FX Buka Mauritius. FXPIG Selandia Baru. FX Primus Mauritius --- dimiliki oleh Prime Mantle Corp Plc Ireland --- no Klien AS. FxPro Financial Services Ltd Cyprus. FXPro UK Ltd UK. FX Salt Kepulauan Virgin Inggris --- dari bisnis. FX Solution S Australia --- anak perusahaan dari City Index Inggris Gain Capital US --- telah dihapus. Solusi FX AS --- dari bisnis. FX Sistem domisili --- perusahaan induk dari 1LotStp, 1PipFix, 2PipsFixed, etc --- out Dari bisnis. FXTF - FX Trade Financial Co Ltd Japan. FXTG Australia --- broker scam yang dijalankan oleh pendiri broker scam Israel UTrade --- lihat Forex TG Pty Australia. FXTM - Waktu Forex Ltd Cyprus. FXT Swiss Switzerland. FX United New Selandia Baru --- United Global Holdings Ltd NZ --- tidak diatur --- tidak ada klien AS --- SCAM per ForexPeaceArmy. FXVan - FXVan Global Ltd Inggris --- nama baru Perusahaan FX Mauritius sekarang keluar dari bisnis. FXVV United Arab Emirates --- keluar dari bisnis. Gain Capital Holdings Inc AS --- lihat --- broker forex terbesar AS sekitar 58 pangsa pasar mulai Februari 2017.Gainsy Inc St Vincent dan Grenadines. Gaitame Online Co Ltd Jepang --- Tidak ada klien AS. Gallant Capital Markets British Virgin Islands --- lihat Yadix British Virgin Islands. GBE Brokers Cyprus. GDMFX Selandia Baru --- tidak ada AS atau Selandia Baru Clients. Gem Forex Seychelles --- mungkin perusahaan yang sama dengan G Forex Seychelles. G Forex Seychelles --- scam. GFT Markets UK --- nama dagang Gain Capital - UK --- telah dihapus. GFT Markets Australia - - nama dagang Gain Capital - Australia --- telah dihapuskan. GFX Group SA Switzerland --- nama perusahaan Switzerland. GKFX UK - GKFX Financial Services Ltd Inggris --- anak perusahaan Global Kapital Group Ltd UK --- Tidak ada klien AS. GKFX-ECN - GKFX Internet Yatirimlari Ltd Rusia --- operasi internasional perusahaan induk GKFX UK. Global Brokerage Inc AS --- Nasdaq GLBR --- nama baru FXCM Inc AS efektif 2 27 17 --- Lihat FXCM US. Global Brokers NZ Ltd Selandia Baru --- bangkrut --- keluar dari bisnis. Global Capital Markets Trading Afrika Selatan --- lihat CMTrading. Global Futures US. Global Prime Australia. GMO Klik Jepang --- terbesar di dunia Fx brokerage oleh volume perdagangan --- anggota perdagangan sistem ClickBS5 TFX lihat di atas. GO Markets Australia. Got Money FX Australia. Grand Capital Ltd Sey Chelles. Greenvault FX - GV Global Ltd Selandia Baru --- tidak ada klien AS. GTCM Siprus --- perusahaan induk adalah Depaho Ltd Siprus --- tampaknya menerima klien AS. GTL Forex Uni Emirat Arab. GTX - Mendapatkan GTX LLC AS - - divisi utama divisi institusional dan ECN Gain Capital Holdings Inc US. Gulliver FX UK --- keluar dari bisnis. GVS AU Pty Ltd Australia --- merek dagang bermerek ulang dari IronFX Australia --- ASIC-regulated. Halifax Investment Layanan Australia. Hantec Markets UK. Hirose Financial Ltd Inggris --- tidak ada klien AS. HMS LUX Luxembourg. Hoard FX Belize --- scam. Hotspot FX UK --- institut ECN broker --- dimiliki oleh bursa efek BATS Global Markets. House of Borse UK --- Pialang yang diatur oleh FCA melayani klien institusi di wilayah MENA di Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara. IBFX Australia, Pty Ltd Australia --- dimiliki oleh divisi TradeStation dari Monex Group - Jepang --- dijual ke Oanda Aus. IBFX US --- divisi broker forex dari TradeStation AS --- saat ini dijual ke Oanda AS. --- nama domain dari Glistentree Holdings Cyprus --- tidak lagi diberi kuasa oleh CySEC --- tidak berfungsi lagi, tidak beroperasi. Pasar Australia. ICM Capital Ltd Inggris --- tidak ada klien AS. ICM Capital Markets Belgium --- jangan Bingung dengan ICM Capital Ltd UK --- lihat iTrade Capital Markets. IFX Markets Australia --- anak perusahaan dari City Index UK Gain Capital US. IG Markets Australia. IKOFX Kepulauan Virgin Inggris Selandia Baru --- tidak lagi menerima penduduk AS. IKON Global Pasar US. IKON Group Hong Kong. Insta Forex Rusia BVI. Institutional Liquidity - ILQ Australia --- CFTC diatur, anggota NFA. Integral Forex Turkey --- div dari Integral Menkul Degerler Turkey --- mitra Dukascopy CH. IntelFX New Zealand Pialang Interaktif US. Interbank FX - IBFX AS --- dimiliki oleh TradeStation AS yang merupakan anak perusahaan Monex Japan. UK --- spread-betting. Invast Financial Services Pty Ltd Australia - anak perusahaan dari Invast Japan --- no US clients. Investors Europe Gibraltar. IronFX Global Ltd Siprus --- CySEC-regulated --- see 8Safe UK Ltd UK and GVS AU Pty Ltd Australia. iTrade Pasar Modal Belgia --- jangan bingung dengan iTraderFX Israel atau dengan iTradeFX LLC British Virgin Islands. iTraderFX Israel --- opsi biner dealer sekarang memasuki pasar FX. iTradeFX LLC Kepulauan Virgin Inggris --- keluar dari business. IV Brokers Belize. JFD Brokers Cyprus. JFX - Jiffix Markets Ltd Cyprus --- out of business --- clients transferred to Traders Trust Cyprus. Juno Markets New Zealand --- very new --- mainly focused on the Asian FX market --- no US clients. KAB Strategy Ltd Cyprus --- no US clients. --- Securities Co Ltd Japan --- subsidiary of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group --- a TFX Click365 broker. Kinetic Securities Australia. KVB Kunlun New Zealand --- acquired by CITIC Securities China in 2015.LandFX UK Ltd UK --- subsidiary of LandFX New Zealand --- FCA license granted June 2016.Latitude FX New Zealand. UK --- new name of London Capital Group forex and London Spreads spread-betting --- no U S clients. LegacyFX Cyprus --- founded in 2015, owned by technology company Leverate Cyprus --- operation suspended. Leverate Cyprus --- liquidity provider --- see CWM FX. Libra FX Anguilla --- out of business. Lionstone Investment Services Russia --- binary options broker --- reportedly going out of business. Lite Forex Marshall Islands. Liquid Markets - LQD Markets UK --- bankrupt --- seeking buyer. London Capital Group UK --- see. London Spreads UK --- see. Loyal Forex British Virgin Islands --- and parent company FX Systems --- out of business. LQDFX The Marshall Islands --- new Group 1 broker. LQD Markets UK --- see Liquid Markets --- do not confuse with LQDFX The Marshall Islands. Lucror FX New Zealand. Magna FX - Magna Trust Securities and Investment Services, S A Greece --- no U S clients. MahiFX Australia --- no U S clients. Marketiva Montenegro --- see AGEA Montenegro. Cyprus --- owned by TradeFX Ltd - UK recently acquired by gaming company PlayTech. Master Services Inc Russia Belize --- operating as MFX Broker Belize, and MFX Broker Georgia. Maximus Capital Markets Latvia. Mayzus Investment Company Ltd Cyprus. MB Trading US --- acquired by TradeKing US --- MB Trading exited the forex market October 2015.MCM FX - Miffs Capital Management Ltd UK --- no U S clients. Merex Markets Republic of Georgia --- scam. MF Financial Belize --- see MFFX Belize --- out of business. MFFX Belize --- out of business. MF Global UK --- in reorganization --- formerly a subsidiary of MF Global Holdings Ltd UK. MF Global Finance USA Inc US --- bankrupt --- subsidiary of MF Global Holdings Ltd UK. MF Global Holdings Ltd UK --- bankrupt. MFX Broker Belize Belize --- see Master Services Inc Russia Belize --- do not confuse with MFFX Belize. MFX Broker Georgia Republic of Georgia --- see Master Services Inc Russia Belize. MFX Trade Australia --- retail trading platform of MahiFX Australia --- do not confuse with MFX Broker Belize Georgia. MIG Bank Switzerland --- see Swissquote Switzerland. Milltrade Ltd Marshall Islands --- scam --- bankrupt --- merged with MMCIS see below. MMCIS Ukraine Marshall Islands --- scam --- bankrupt --- merged with Milltrade Ltd Marshall Islands. Monex Japan --- parent of TradeStation US. Money Partners FX - Money Partners Group Co Ltd Japan --- Japanese customers only. MRC Markets Russia --- scam. MXT Global Pty Ltd Australia --- renamed Vantage Global Prime Pty Ltd Australia. MXTrade - Lau Global Services Corp Belize --- KROUFR blacklisted --- scam --- do not confuse with MXT Global Australia. NatureForex Belize --- no U S clients. NinjaTrader US --- IB for FXCM US. NordFX Mauritius --- subsidiary of NFX Capital MU Inc Mauritius. Nord Markets Sweden. NPBFX Belize --- Russian-owned subsidiary of Nefteprombank , offices in London and Belize --- no U S or EU clients. Oanda US --- second-largest U S forex broker after Gain Capital. OctaFX St Vincent and the G renadines --- no U S clients --- FCA-licensed UK --- focused on the APAC region. OMFinancial New Zealand. Onasis IBC Seychelles. One Financial Markets UK --- FSA UK and FSB SA regulated broker, focused on Middle East and s Asian markets. OneTrade UK --- new STP broker with social - and copy-trading focus --- owned by FxStat UK. Orbex Ltd Cyprus. Pacific Financial Derivatives Ltd New Zealand --- no U S clients. Panteon Finance Ukraine --- scam --- bankrupt. PaxForex St Vincent and the Grenadines. Pellucid FX Anguilla --- out of business. Pepperstone Australia --- no U S or Canadian clients. Peregrine Financial Group - PFG Best US --- out of business. PhillipCapital Singapore --- exchange-traded equities, options and futures including currency futures --- no OTC spot forex. PhillipCapital UK --- FX, CFD indices and commodities --- subsidiary of PhillipCapital Singapore. Plus500 Ltd UK --- acquisition by gaming company Play Tech abandoned FCA objections --- no U S clients. PrimeFX New Zealand. PrimeTradeF X Switzerland --- no U S clients --- accepts Canadian clients. Primus --- see FX Primus Mauritius. ProfiForex Seychelles --- does not accept U S clients. Quaestor Zrt Hungary --- bankrupt --- business suspended by Hungarian National Bank. Questrade Canada --- accepts Canadian citizens and permanent residents only. Rakuten Securities, Inc Japan --- has acquired FXCM Japan Securities Co Ltd --- no U S clients. Real Forex Belize. Real Trade British Virgin Islands. Renesource Capital Latvia. RJ O Brien US --- institutional forex broker. RoboForex Ltd Cyprus. RoboTrade Ltd Belize --- M M subsidiary for cent accounts of STP broker RoboForex Ltd Cyprus. Royal Forex Trading - RFXT Lebanon --- licensed by CySEC Cyprus , Sep 2016, providing access to the European market. RTFX - Realtime Forex Malta --- out of business as of 29 May 2015 --- do not confuse with RFXT. RV Markets Hong Kong --- out of business --- see UPME Group Ltd British Virgin Islands. RVD Markets Ltd British Virgin Islands --- bankrupt. Saxo Ba nk Denmark. Sensus Capital Markets Malta --- no longer accepts U S clients --- license to operate in Malta suspended by MFSA Mar 16.SGT Markets - Sterling Gent Trading British Virgin Islands --- no U S clients. SHK Direct Hong Kong. SimpleFX Ltd St Vincent and the Grenadines. SkyFX Cyprus --- subsidiary of Trademarker Cyprus --- suspended by CySEC May 2016.SmartTrade FX St Vincent and the Grenadines --- recently removed from Group 1.Solidity Brokers Cyprus --- out of business. Sterling Gent Trading Ltd British Virgin Islands --- see SGT Markets BVI. STP Markets UK --- directional options broker --- not regulated FCA warning in effect --- 1000 minimum deposit. Strategem FX Belize --- out of business. Strato Markets Netherlands. SVSFX - SVS Securities Plc UK. Swiss International Kuwait. Tadawul FX --- see Liquid Markets UK. Tallinex St Vincent and the Grenadines --- no longer accepts new U S clients as of October 2016.TD Markets Ltd UK --- owned by TDM Holdings Inc St Vincent and the Grenadines --- fx and binary options. TempletonFX UK --- one of the trading names of Templeton Securities Ltd UK --- IB for ACM Group plc UK. Templeton Securities Ltd UK --- parent of TempletonFX UK --- not affiliated with Franklin Templeton Investments. Tenko FX New Zealand. TFI Markets Ltd - TFIFX Cyprus --- no U S clients. The Collective FX Global Belize --- see BDG Financial Services Ltd --- out of business. Think Forex UK and Australia --- see ThinkMarkets UK. ThinkMarkets UK --- TF Global Markets UK Ltd, and TF Global Markets Australia Pty Ltd --- formerly ThinkForex. ThinkOrSwim US --- division of TD Ameritrade US. Tickmill Ltd Seychelles --- no U S clients --- Canadian residents are accepted. Tokyo Financial Exchange Inc - TFX Japan --- Japanese futures exchange also Click365 margin-fx trading exchange see above. Trade 12 UK --- subs of Global Fin Services Ltd UK owned by Exo Capital Markets Ltd Marshall Is --- KROUFR blacklist. Trade-24 UK --- unlicensed unregistered broker, sanctioned by FCA UK and OSC Ontario, Canada for illegal operations. Cyprus --- trading name of Leadcapital Markets Ltd Cyprus --- CySEC-regulated. TradeKing Forex US --- IB for Gain Capital US --- acquired MB Trading, Aug 2015 --- TradeKing is for sale as of Jan 2016.Trademarker Cyprus --- parent company of SkyFX Cyprus --- suspended by CySEC May 2016.TradeNext Ltd UK --- no U S clients --- facing reorganization --- currently terminating some clients. Tradeo Cyprus - brand name of UR Trade Fix Ltd Cyprus --- social trading platform for FX and CFD s. Traders Choice FX US --- IB for various brokers. Traders Trust Capital Markets Ltd - TTCM Cyprus. Trader s Way Dominica. TradeStation Forex US --- subsidiary of Monex Group Japan --- parent of IBFX US and Australia being sold to Oanda. Tradeview Ltd Cayman Islands. TradeWiseFX St Vincent and the Grenadines --- recently added to Group 1.Trading 212 UK --- trading name of Avus Capital UK Ltd. Cyprus --- domain name of Traders Trust Capital Markets Ltd Cyprus. Trading Point Cyprus --- no U S clients --- also see Cyprus. Tradomart Ltd Cyprus --- see ForexMart Cyprus. UBFS Invest Cyprus --- suspended by CySEC May 2016. - United Global Ventures LP UK --- may be UFX Markets Global UFX Bank, rebranded --- SCAM. UFX Bank UK --- out of business. UFX Markets Global Inc British Anguilla --- Israeli company --- no U S clients. UMOfx New Zealand. United World Capital - UWCFX Cyprus. Universal FX Switzerland. UPME Group Ltd - FXUP ME British Virgin Islands --- formerly RV Markets Hong Kong. USG Capital Israel --- subs of Int l USG Capital Ltd, owned by Atlantic Brokers Bulgaria --- suspended by ISA. UTMarkets - United Trading Markets Bulgaria --- trade-name of T-Marketing Services Ltd Bulgaria --- warning from FSC. UTrade Premium Ltd Israel --- algo-trading brokerage, banned by Israeli Securities Authority ISA --- scam. UWCFX --- see United World Capital Cyprus. Valbury Capital UK --- no U S clients. Vantage FX Pty Ltd Australia --- retail partner of Vantage Global Prime Australia. Vantage Global Prime Pty Ltd Australia --- i nstitutional partner of Vantage FX Australia. Varchev Financial Bulgaria. Varengold Germany --- will cease operation as a retail FX broker by May 2016.Venbey Yatirim Turkey --- scam. Victory International Futures Indonesia --- Indonesian clients only. Vinson Financials Ltd Cyprus. VIPRO Markets Cyprus --- no U S or Canadian clients. VistaBrokers Cyprus --- no U S clients. WFX Markets British Virgin Islands. Windsor Brokers Cyprus. WSD Global Markets New Zealand --- out of business. xCFD Ltd Cyprus New Zealand. XE Markets Malaysia --- see Trading Point Cyprus. XForex - XFR Financial Ltd Cyprus --- currently being dissolved --- clients are being transferred to Xtrade Cyprus. XGlobal Markets Cyprus. Cyprus New Zealand --- see Trading Point Cyprus --- no U S clients. XoomForex Cyprus --- out of business. Xtrade Cyprus - XFR Financial Ltd Cyprus --- no U S clients --- do not confuse with X-Trade Brokers Poland. X-Trade Brokers XTB Poland. Yadix British Virgin Islands. You Trade FX Mauritius --- scam --- do not confuse with scam broker UTrade Premium Israel. Trade UK Ltd U K --- subs of GMO Click Japan --- no U S or Japanese clients. Zecco Forex Inc US --- merged with TradeKing US. The 4 - page Offshore Broker List above , compiled by members of this Forum over the past 6 years, has been placed at the beginning of this thread, where it will remain. What follows below was originally the first post in this thread, way back in September 2010.September 24, 2010.Going Offshore to Escape the CFTC. On the Broker Aid Station forum, a discussion got started about trading through foreign brokers who are outside the jurisdiction of the CFTC That particular topic really doesn t belong on that forum So, I m opening this thread, as a place where that topic can be continued. I ll start this thread with a rant about the CFTC because I have some ranting to get off my chest Then, in subsequent posts, we can talk about specific foreign brokers, and whether there are advantages to trading with them. But, first things first Here s my rant. Getting free of the CFTC, th e NFA, and the rest of the Nanny State. We ve been conned By Gary Gensler, the head of the CFTC On another thread, I called Gensler a sneaky, little weasel , and I stand by that description. Gensler set up a straw-man --- the 10 1 leverage limit --- and we all bravely attacked and destroyed the straw-man, thinking it was the enemy In 9,000 public comments to the CFTC, we battled against that 10 1 straw-man, and we tore it to shreds and we said, If you ram this 10 1 thing down our throats, we ll take our business offshore. All the while, Gary Gensler and his crew were saying, Gotcha --- you ll take 50 1 and you ll thank us for it And, by the way, like hell you ll take your trading business offshore. The CFTC never intended to impose a 10 1 leverage limit on retail forex in the U S From the very beginning, their objective was 50 1 and they achieved their objective completely. The phony 10 1 proposed limit was so extreme that we were relieved when the CFTC relented , when they listened to the voice of the forex community , when they set the leverage limit at 50 1, instead. Gensler wrote the sheet-music, and we sang the song Have we been had, or what. Many reasonable folks, including several on this forum, have pointed out the hazards of using too much leverage, and have endorsed the new CFTC limit Which misses the point entirely. It is not the proper business of government to regulate the way we live our lives It is not the proper business of government to tell us how many calories we may consume, or how much we may drink, or how much of our paychecks we may spend on lottery tickets, or HOW MUCH FOREX LEVERAGE WE MAY USE. And it s not the proper business of government to tell U S residents where they may do their banking, or where they may do their trading Finally, it s not the proper business of government to tell U S forex brokers where they may set up foreign branches, or whom they may accept as customers in those foreign branches. It is appropriate for the government to requ ire brokers to furnish full and honest disclosure of the risks involved in forex trading, and to furnish full and honest disclosure of the terms and conditions of the trading accounts which they offer And it is appropriate for the government to prosecute fraud wherever and whenever it occurs in any of the financial markets. Beyond that, the government has no legitimate role, and they should butt out. The CFTC has U S forex brokers by the throat by threatening their ability to do business in the U S the CFTC can interfere with the rights of those brokers to do business outside the U S. But, the CFTC has no authority over foreign brokers who operate entirely outside the U S And under current law, the CFTC has no authority over individual traders who trade through foreign brokers that are beyond the reach of U S regulation. The U S government claims the authority, through the IRS, to require U S residents to report foreign accounts which we hold --- bank accounts, brokerage accounts, etc But, they cannot yet prevent us from having those accounts. The CFTC, and their sock-puppet the NFA, are behaving like the rest of the Nanny State they are acting like our rulers, rather than our public servants These people seem to believe they have the right and the power to do anything they want to do. They ve never had that right, and they never will have it. They may have the power --- but, not for long. END OF RANT . Edit 8 26 13 --- The statement marked with a red asterisk, above, is not entirely correct. Soon after we began this search for offshore forex brokers, we discovered that the CFTC and other U S regulatory agencies have their tentacles deep inside many foreign governments, through a series of nasty, little agreements known as Memoranda of Understanding These agreements have effectively extended U S regulation to cover U S residents doing business in countries which have signed the agreements. There still are countries where these agreements do not yet exist --- and we are eager to find reliable brokers within those countries who will do business with us And there are a few offshore brokers, in Memorandum countries, who have the courage to defy the over-reaching U S regulatory authorities, and welcome U S residents as clients --- and we are eager to identify these brokers, and to consider client relationships with them. Some things I learned this week about ACM and dbFX. Earlier this week, I called ACM in Switzerland, and dbFX in New York, and specifically asked whether they are subject to CFTC regulation in any way, and whether they accept U S residents as clients Here s what I was told. ACM Advanced Currency Markets, Geneva, Switzerland is completely beyond the reach of the CFTC They have canceled their plans to open a U S subsidiary it was to be called ACM-US , and they now have no U S presence ACM is regulated by FINMA in Switzerland they have an application pending with the Swiss banking authorities to become a Swiss bank and they welcome U S customers Minimum deposit to open an account is 2,000.dbFX is the retail forex brokerage division of Deutsche Bank As a bank, Deutsche Bank is domiciled and regulated in Germany But, their forex operation, dbFX, is domiciled in the U K and regulated by the FSA dbFX s relationship to the CFTC is less clear-cut than ACM s Deutsche Bank the German-domiciled bank has a large presence in the U S and some of their operations other than forex are regulated by the CFTC dbFX the U K - domiciled forex broker is awaiting legal opinions on whether they fall under the jurisdiction of the CFTC in any way I have placed my name on a list of people to be notified when that determination is made, and I will pass that info on to you, when I get it. Last edited by Clint Today at 01 22 PM. Earlier this week, I called ACM in Switzerland, and dbFX in New York, and specifically asked whether they are subject to CFTC regulation in any way, and whether they accept U S residents as clients Here s what I was told. ACM Advanced Currency Markets, Geneva, Switzerland is completely beyond the reach of the CFTC They have canceled their plans to open a U S subsidiary it was to be called ACM-US , and they now have no U S presence ACM is regulated by FINMA in Switzerland they have an application pending with the Swiss banking authorities to become a Swiss bank and they welcome U S customers Minimum deposit to open an account is 2,000.dbFX is the reta il forex brokerage division of Deutsche Bank As a bank, Deutsche Bank is domiciled and regulated in Germany But, their forex operation, dbFX, is domiciled in the U K and regulated by the FSA dbFX s relationship to the CFTC is less clear-cut than ACM s Deutsche Bank has a large presence in the U S and some of their operations other than forex are regulated by the CFTC dbFX is awaiting legal opinions on whether they fall under the jurisdiction of the CFTC in any way I have placed my name on a list of people to be notified when that determination is made, and I will pass that info on to you, when I get it. Have you looked at Dukascopy at all They re one of the largest, if not the largest, Swiss brokers as I understand it. My name is Dean and I have been part of the Edu Invest forex trading group for the last two and a half months Before I went full time into forex trading I was working in the financial sector, servicing the company s investment products I was not happy with my job and did n ot agree with the returns clients were getting on their investments I did some research and came to realise that we are living in a corrupt and unethical system especially in the financial sector I then went in search to find out how I could protect myself and those close to me financially. There is a very old saying in the investment industry which is It takes money to make money I took all the money I had saved throughout the year to pay for the course and in all honesty it was one of the hardest financial decisions I made thus far especially as a 24-year-old adult I started the course on the 1 August 2016 and in the first week I knew this is my first step to financial freedom What I learnt was something that is not taught in schools or even in universities, I was taught how to take advantage of economic uncertainty, so whilst the economy was busy crashing my bank account would be busy growing. As I became part of the Edu Invest family I spoke to some of the live traders, the guys who have been in the trading industry for years and all of them said the same thing, I wish I had done this sooner The moment I heard that I had all the conformation I needed, I was doing the right thing for myself and my family. One of the things I will never forget was the reality of getting up very early every morning and rushing to get done for work, I would then sit in traffic for more than an hour only to be at my desk 5 min late, I would have to answer to management and explain why I was 5 min late, and I couldn t blame traffic or the fact that it was just out of my control Today I wake up around the same time but instead of sitting in traffic I go to the gym, have a filling breakfast and come to the office and prepare for the lesson. On the 7 October 2016 I had a real taste of what trading is really about when I went live and actually traded real money It was one of the most exciting and at the same time one of the most terrifying life experiences but by far one of the most rewarding Rewarding because what I made in 2 hours of trading use to take me 8 hours of work However, it is really important to note that trading forex is not all fun and games it takes much discipline and commitment Not all days are great days, even though most days are, there are those days when you have to cut your losses and move on They say time is money, but it s not so, time is life and life is time, if you run out of time, you run out of life, if you run out of money you just have a harder time enjoying life It doesn t have to be that way though. The greatest investment anyone can make is to invest their time educating themselves financially, because that s the only investment with a guaranteed return What I have learnt thus far at Edu Invest no one can take from me, I have and will continue to invest my time in my financial education because the return on that investment is financial freedom. I got to hear from Edu-Invest investment company on a Cape Town Christian radio station, and wha t I heard that day appealed to me After I did some investigation and reviews it became clear that Edu Invest offers a six months financial education course and there is a fee attached to it. I signed up, pay for my course fee and are now learning from scratch to understand the basic market confirmations My understanding is that Edu Invest function is to educate me to understand forex trading I was also informed that after I have basic knowledge of trading through trading via a demo account that I will be assisted to open my own personal account to trade. The company staff are very helpful clarifying my questions and concerns in a professional manner In terms of trading. Being a Student of Edu Invest is Truly the Best decision I have made in a Very long time 15years ago I attempted to do Forex Trading and suffered great loss for 3 years and cast it one side Then by the Grace of God I heard about Edu Invest and decided hear what you guys are all about on the 4th May,2016 when I enrolled as a trainee you explained in detail what Edu Invest provides and also consistent help in educating us how to trade I have learnt more about Forex Trading with Edu Invest in 4 weeks than the 3 years of my struggle A great relationship was formed between you and us and also the trainers, Jaco Jermaine and even between the 2 of them there were great communication setting a good example I also like your open door policy and availability for us I do you and the team for Great work being delivered and will recommend Edu Invest any time to any one interested in this line of work that makes one self reliant and independent when the acquired skill is applied What stood out for me is the training method and vast knowledge that builds this skill Effectively I Greatly Appreciate you your Team and with Gratitude I would like to also show you my results after just over 2 month of this Effective training Even though this is a Demo Account, I regard this as if trading with my own funds as Trained, to de velop good habits. I m in my 3rd month in training at Edu Invest I can only speak highly of this company, for one teaching me the fundamentals of trading, 2,the professional way in which the training is done and 3, the continuous supervision and guidance of our mentors to trade independently As the company rule states that we should not allow anyone to trade for us or alternately, finance the accounts of others to trade on our behalf I will continue to trade at Edu Invest and will highly recommend this company to others who wish to become traders. Jermain has an excellent method of teaching He repeats his explanations in different ways so that we all can understand He will also make sure we all understand I feel comfortable in the classes, cause they are small classes at a time, and we receive individual attention It also benefits us that we can attend in the mornings and classes in the evenings Friendly and helpful staff. I searched around and came across the Edu Invest website After th e free seminar, I decided to enrol for the course I enjoyed the course, but what stood in heads above everything was the mentorship program This program opened the world of FOREX trading for me Thank you Edu Invest and the Mentorship team for giving me a lifeline. I ve actually been enjoying the course loads All of the information on the course and the guidance from Justin has been most appreciated I made 3000 profit on the EUR USD yesterday using all the tools I have learnt o thanks very much.

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